IEX launches value added services for renewable energy generators


The Indian Energy Exchange traded 8,997 MU electricity volume and achieved 59% YoY growth in September’21. According to the power demand data published by the National Load Dispatch Center, the national peak demand in September’21 saw 2% YoY increase, with the highest ever peak demand at 180.7 GW, while energy consumption at 114.5 BU was flat during the month.

Cumulatively, for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2022, the Exchange Market achieved a significant growth in volume. The electricity market achieved 25,857 MU volume during the second quarter resulting in 57% YoY growth across market segments.

IEX is delighted to launch Value Added Services (VAS) for the Renewable Energy generators furthering its customer centric initiatives. These services can be availed through the IEX website ( The Renewable Generators keen to avail the services such as Generation Forecasting, Qualified Co-ordinating Agency (QCA) and Analytics solutions etc. can reach out to the best-in-class service providers empaneled by IEX, at the competitive prices. We are pleased to onboard Climate Connect as our first empaneled service provider and look forward to welcoming other service providers who are keen to associate with us in this this exciting journey.

Day-ahead, term-ahead and real-time electricity market

The day-ahead market traded 6,418 MU volume in September’21 with the average monthly price at Rs 4.4 per unit. For the second quarter of the year 2022, the day-ahead market on the Exchange, traded 17,305 MU and registered 26% YoY growth. The distribution utilities have been increasingly preferring day-ahead market to meet their short-term supply requirements in a competitive and flexible manner.
The term-ahead market comprising intra-day, contingency, daily & weekly contracts traded 193 MU during the month recording 81% YoY growth. Cumulatively, for the second quarter, the term-ahead market traded a total of 1,571 MU and registered a spectacular 438% YoY growth.

The real-time electricity market traded 1,843 MU volume and saw a significant 162% YoY growth. In the second quarter, the market achieved a cumulative trade of 5,298 MU registering a robust 125% YoY growth. The consistent growth of real-time electricity market is an indication of growing reliance of the distribution utilities and industries to achieve power demand-supply balancing in real time in the most efficient manner.

Green market

The green term-ahead market achieved 543 MU volume seeing a splendid 555% YoY growth. For the second quarter, the market registered a cumulative trade of 1,682 MU. The market has seen a considerable increase in the participant base as more and more utilities and C&I consumers participate in the market to meet their energy and RPO requirements in an integrated, flexible and competitive manner.

Renewable energy certificates

The REC trading session which was scheduled on 29 September’21 did not take place due to a stay order from Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (APTEL), in response to the petitions filed by a few Renewable Energy Associations. The matter is still pending in APTEL and final decision is being awaited.

Energy saving certificates

IEX is expected to soon commence trade in the Energy Saving Certificates (ESCerts) under Perform, Achieve & Trade Cycle-II (PAT-II) scheme apropos the notification by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power. PAT-II aims at achieving an overall energy savings of 8.87 MTOE and covers 621 Designated Consumers spanning across 11 energy intensive industry sectors. The Exchange has already commenced registrations and also conducting the awareness dissemination webinars.